Thursday 29 January 2009

Shot List...

In our opening sequence, we are going to use a variety of different camera shots. here is a list of the ones we are going to use:

- Medium Shot: This is when the camera is around 3-5 metres away from the characters. We decided this would be a good shot to use because we can include all the characters we want to in the shot, and you can still make out their faces clearly.

- Long Shot: This is when the characters are far away from the camera, and sometimes you can't make out their faces, just their figures. We wanted to include this type of shot as it will show the characters, and it will also show the background, and the setting of where they are.

- Close-up: This is when the camera focuses on one thing, normally a persons face. We decided to include some close-ups to show the audience the characters faces clearly.

- Split Scene: This is when the scene divides in to two or more different pictures in the same scene, to try and show the audience separate events at the same time. We have included this type of shot so we can show the audience what Rosie and Tom are both doing at the same time.

- Extreme Close-up: This is when the camera focuses on one object or facial feature, eg an eye. We wanted to include this so the audience can focus only on the thing shown.

- Over the shoulder shot: This is when the camera shows someone or something, with a characters shoulder in the side of the shot. We have included this shot so we can include Rosie and Tom in the same scene without them being close.



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